Engaging Students with the Use of Pinch Cards

Pinch Cards: Giving Each Child an Opportunity to Respond
 There are many ways to include students within a class discussion to check for understanding.  I’ve seen several teachers use dry erase markers and slates.  It is awesome to get that immediate feedback and the students are so involved in their learning.  If you are not a fan of the slate and markers, but are looking for another idea to provide immediate feedback and an opportunity for students to respond a Pinch Card might be of interest to you.

Pinch cards are quick and easy to make.  They can be made generic or made specific to the topic you are studying.  Active participation cards allow you to check quickly for understanding. The teacher poses a question, and then asks students to “pinch” the correct response and hold them up for you to see.  With these cards it is easy to scan the room to see which students may need more instruction.

Below are examples of pinch cards.  Card 1 is a generic card which can used for a variety of questions across the curriculum including vocabulary.  Card 2 could be used when teachers give the definition or attributes of shapes, and students can pinch an appropriate shape.  The third card could be used if the teachers provide a formula and students then pinch the correct term.  Use your imagination!!  I’ve seen pinch cards with greater than, less than, and equal signs; cards with the mathematical operations (+, -, x, etc.); cards with A, B, C, D responses.
 Pinch Card Examples

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