Opportunity to Respond Enhances Student Engagement

Rate of Opportunity to Respond
Strategy: Choral Responding - Students answering a Question in Unison
 Findings indicate increased rates of opportunity to respond (OTR) result in higher task engagement and academic achievement rates and low rates of inappropriate behavior.
 Simonsen, et al (2008), Evidence-based Practices in Classroom Management:  Considerations for Research to Practice
Power Teaching is an effective strategy which requires choral responding.  Below is a link to a teacher using it in a math classroom.

Example of a 6th Grade Classroom: Order of Operations:

  • Short, one to three word answers
  • Brisk paced lessons
  • Provide thinking pause
  • Use a clear signal of when to respond
  • Provide feedback

More Research
Gardner et al. (1993) found in an inner city general education fourth-grade classroom during a questioning period, that students were off-task on average 56% and disruptive 33% of the time when hand raising was employed.

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