Using Video Footage to Understand the 8 Mathematical Practices

The 8 Mathematical Practices are designed to transform math classrooms across the nation.  The time has come to move away from sit and mimic the teacher to requiring higher-levels of understanding of our teachers and students.  This is no easy task.  Most of us often teach the way we were taught.  One question that arises is "What does it look like?"  As I started learning more about the 8 mathematical practices for math, I began a search into finding video classroom examples.
Because of our visual nature, seeing it in "action" in a real-classroom can often give us the nudge we need to learn and transfer this vision into our own classroom.

The process described below can be done continuous, or can be done individually. 
I came across a wonderful website - Inside Mathematics -
This site is devoted to sharing how several teachers may approach the 8 Mathematical Practices.  Although there may be different flavors - not just one way of doing it - it does emphasize what each mathematical practice may look like.    There intent is "To reinforce and honor the language of the standards, on each page we have directly correlated the mathematical practice standards to excerpts of mathematics lessons. Just as with content standards, not every lesson reflects all elements of the individual standards for mathematical practice. By representing examples from different classrooms for each standard, we also want to emphasize how many different ways teachers may enact these standards for mathematical practice in their classrooms, with their particular learners. While there is no one "right way," there are multiple examples of successful strategies to launch and sustain these practices." - Inside Mathematics

Step # 1 - With a group of teachers, share a video from one of the 8 Mathematical Practices that best aligns to their grade band.  There are several videos in this series for a variety of grade bands.


Step # 2 - Discuss the components of the video that address the mathematical practice.
            How does it connect to our discussion about student actions and teacher actions within each practice?

Step #3 - Continue to share another video followed with discussion items from Step #2.
Step # 4 - Putting it all Together - Lessons that align to all 8 Mathematical practices are few and far between.  Most lessons will not incorporate all mathematical practices.

Show examples of where a variety of the mathematical practices come together (

 Ask teachers to look for examples of the 8 mathematical practices and evidence to support their examples.

Other resources for video include:

Thinking Mathematically, Carpenter - Elementary
Children's Mathematics (CGI), Carpenter- PreK-3

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