A Daily Dose of Digits - Part 1

A Daily Dose of Digits (DDD Time)
Take advantage of calendar time.  During this time of the day students are refreshed and ready to start the day.  During this time I use the numbers in the date and in the count of how many days we have been in school to solve many number sense types of problems.
The activities below can be set up as your Daily Dose of Digits.

How Many Days Have We Been in School This Year Activities:

Record the total number of days in school: For example 22 days in school.
-       Mount pennies on your bulletin board in clear snack bags.  Add a penny each day, when ten pennies accumulate, switch to a dime, and then to a dollar. How many dimes are in 22 cents? How many nickels?
-       Use straws or base ten blocks to represent each day of school.  Do the same procedure as above except place rubber bands around to group into tens. Ask, “How many sets of ten’s are in 22?”  You will need containers to hold groups of 100, 10, and 1’s. How does that compare to the number of dimes? (above question)
-       Record a tally for each day of the year.  Ask “How many sets of five’s are in 22. Point to each set of 5 as you count. Remember we want children to know that 22 is one more than 21 or one less than 23, but also that there are 4 sets of five and 2 left over. That’s number sense!
-       How many different ways can we make 22?  Include a large sheet for students to share their ideas.
-       Body Counts: Students count by 1’s, 2’s, or 5’s to reach the number.  The body is used to represent the number.
-       Show on a 200 chart where the number is located, or create by writing a number a day into a blank grid.  Ask, “What number is ten less, ten more, one less, one more, eleven less, eleven more, twenty more, etc.?”
-       Use a blank number line to count by 1’s, 2’s, or 5’s to reach the number.
-       Add the number to the number line or mark on a pre-made number line.

Possible Questions to Ask:
-       Could we fit 22 bunnies in this classroom? 22 children? 22 elephants? 22 school          buses?
-       How many nickels are in 22 cent?
-       Could I buy a meal for 22 cents? 22 dollars?
-       Could I buy  a refrigerator for $22? A car? A shirt?
-       Stand up; close your eyes, Sit down with you think 22 seconds has passed.
-       Are we in school more or less than 22 minutes?
-       Could you walk to the playground in 22 steps? Home?

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