Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)

My journey with CGI began seven years ago when I was searching for a brain-based strategy in math. 
I came across CGI and went to a week training in Portland.  The Teachers Development Group was offering the week training.  It was at this time I gained the increased knowledge about the fourteen problem types, students' mathematical strategies and the importance of quality questioning and student communication.  Throughout the past seven years I have offered professional development opportunities through ESSDACK and on my own.    I have worked with many teachers from many different districts and have had wonderful success in pockets of Kansas.  This year I am extremely excited because I am working with a large district in Kansas who has decided to implement and support CGI in the elementary classrooms.  In the planning process the district and I worked to make certain that all the teachers who have contact with students were provided with the professional development.  This included five days of training for ALL K-3 classroom teachers and special education teachers.  The 4th-6th grade teachers participated in four days of training.  Even the paraprofessionals and Boys -n- Girls club were trained in the CGI philosophy.  CGI is really about building number sense of students and allowing students to solve problems in ways that make sense to them.  I am working with this district in three rounds.  I forgot to mention that also the principal of each school also received two days of training.  Today I just finished working with K-3 teachers.  I enjoyed the day and felt like I was extremely privileged to work with such great teachers who value the thinking of their children.  It was a great day!!

If you are a CGI teacher or are interested in CGI please leave a comment.  I would love to hear your stories and what is working for you.

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