
Welcome to my new site Michelle's Math 4 the Mind.  These are exciting times in math education with the Next Generation Standards (Common Core Standards) being adopted by almost all states.  This is our opportunity to teach math for understanding, application, and higher level thinking.  I'm so excited to share ideas of how we can make this vision a reality in classrooms across the United States.

Making this vision for mathematics a reality is my goal and mission.
I do this by working with students and teachers. I facilitate professional learning opportunities in Elementary and Middle School Mathematics and facilitates NSF Mathematics Reform.

"Children who come to expect help with every problem lose faith in their intuition and never develop the confidence needed to tackle problems alone".
To Contact by email: michelleflaming143@gmail.com
To Contact by cell phone: 620-381-3085

Specific Workshops Include:
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)
Developing Mathematical Ideas (DMI)
Graphic Organizers and Reading Strategies in Mathematics
Lenses on Learning - Study group for Administrators on Math Instruction
Using Children's Literature to Teach Math
Developing and Assessing  Number Sense (PreK-2)/Assessing and
Developing Number Sense (3-6): Focus on Fractions

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