Top 10 Ways to Process the Common Core Standards in Math

Gearing up for the Common Core is both exciting, yet can be overwhelming.  This Top Ten List of activities are designed as different ways to process the Math Common Core Standards.  They could be used in a whole group setting, small group, professional learning communities, or for individual learners.  The Ten Activities are linked to more detailed information.
I hope you find some of these helpful in your district.
Food for thought videos:
As you read and explore more about the ten strategies, be thinking about how would you use this activity in your district, how might you change and/or enhance this activity for your school's needs.

Using Survey of Enacted Curriculum (SEC) Online to Compare Your State Standards to CCSS - Step-by-Step process for using this amazing tool.
3. What Do the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Look Like in the Math Classroom?**
Each practice by grade level. Show progression K-12 see the before and after.
See Classroom Sneak Peaks of what student/teacher actions look like and open questions.
A couple strategies that encourages teacher questionning are:
1. CGI- Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) is an approach to teaching mathematics at the elementary level where teachers utilize what they know about their children's understanding of mathematics to select problems, pose those problems, question students, and facilitate discussion and sharing.
2. Three Act Math program- Hook, Explore, Validation- Dan Meyer
7. Exploring the History of the 8 Mathematical Practices**
2 books: Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and Adding it Up.
Why do we teach what we teach?
8. Looking at Quality Problems to Understand CCSS**
Get the students hooked on a problem. Have them decide what they need to solve and ask questions. Have students discuss the problem and what they information they need to solve. Dan Meyer videos are helpful with this activity as well.

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