Do You Scare Easy?

In the Guided Math book Laney Sammons gives scary statistics from the US Department of Education from 2008.  Are you ready for this?  Maybe you should sit down, take a deep breath, and prepare yourself to be terrified.
 OK, here it goes:
 78% of Americans over 18 cannot compute interest paid on a loan.  That would explain the state our country is in!  LOL 
71% of American over 18 cannot determine miles per gallon on a trip. 
This is the one that really gets me - 58% cannot calculate a 10% tip.  We're not talking a 15% tip, but a simple 10%.  WOW.
 I have been working with my husband on weekends to build  a new home. What  I've come to realize very quickly and sheepishly,   I am good at book math, but not so good at real-world math.  In fact, as a teacher, I thought I knew what real-world math was, but I didn't have a very good clue.  I think all educators should take a month or more sabbatical,  go out into the real-world (different careers), and not just watch what real workers do, but actually roll up their sleeves and do the work.  I believe until this happens, we will not be able to make a dent in changing our mathematical education in this country.  

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