Developing Communication and Shared Thinking

 Communication is a process skill according to NCTM.  In other words, a student communicating with each other and with the teacher is critical to  their mathematical learning.  Many teachers feel that they don’t have the time to allow students to communicate or they may be afraid students will not be discussing mathematics.  If the math students don’t require them to be actively engaged, then it is very possible the conversation will not be around the problem.  It is important that active engagement is infused into your classroom climate.  Communicating verbally is one way for students to process information.  A few teacher reminders: “Faster is not always better.” “Remember to make students prove why and explain their answer.” “It takes time to develop deep understanding.” “Students need various amounts of time to process.”
I always love the quote, “The one who does the talking, does the learning.”  No wonder I got so smart when I taught the same lesson three times through each day when I was departmentalized.

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